all of them were holding oreo waffle! SEE TIMO!

strong neh!

we playeed twister.these two were damn pro at it.i BULLIED THEM XDD
shelllaaa =)

They composed a song for VIVIAN!so sweeetttttt!

GANGGGGGG!!!!=DD EVERYBODY!no missssing member! =))))))


act cute!hahah!
Hwee on 9:49 PM
"Whether a cat is pink or orange makes no difference. As long as it catches mice, it is a good cat."
this quote is interesting!:)
Hwee on 5:44 PM
today sucks & i hate school even more
Physics spa
i read the freaking anmeter wrongly.the whole set of data was entirely wrong.i discovered the mistake only after i drew the freaking graph.As a result,i re-did the experiment.
i cant seeem to get anything done properly and correctly all the times.GRRR.. i feeeellll stupiiidd anddd lousyyyyy.
next,it was eng period.we had compre test.how could i possibly do a test when i was in such a sulky moood..i dunno wat the hell the passage was all about.my mind went blank while answering the questions.i scribbled all the nonsense without reallly knowwing what i was writing.plus my hand trembled for no reason.so,i conclude i will fail badly.
sometimes,it's verY hard to make a decision that will satisfy everybody.
i m sick/tired of this.the best thing to do is jus have one best friend.. LOL
Hwee on 4:31 PM





ketchup + bbq sauce + mayonnaise + chilli

my beloved SIMIN =DDD

Darling~ N Honey~!

shanghai shuai ge and thailand mei nu



fatty bombom
school is gonnnnaaa be stressfulll in the coming days!it's only the first few days and all the teachers are pressurizing us about o's like mad!i love chan chan,our new physicccss teacher!i m glad that tantan remains as our form teacher!!!=D my seating partner is kinda shhyyyy!!!nv reallllly tok to mi!a bit boring =( LOLS
Hwee on 6:20 PM
TT gathering =)
before arriving at this istana or watsoever park,we were dining at cafe cartel:)
we exchanged presentsss =)
i gave peishan a shirt and a durian rolll =DD hope she likes it XD
U NOE WAT!my buddy forgot to bring the present for miiiiiiiiii
and that person is none other than GRACE!!!!!hahaha.
nevermindd,carmel bought mi a damn belated birthday present !it''s a pink water bottle! =))))
she said she THOUGHT of mi when she saw the botttle =DDD
feric and alex are the game masters!LOL.
transfering pocky!!!
wat's benghong and jinghui doing? =X
hasyna and i were punished!our forfeit is to dance!!!LOLS

stirrring the mixture.i was quite excited then!! =D hehe!
FEliciaa seriously helped mi a lot!=) i jus did wat i was told :]

we were walking to vivo!halfway,my 101th lao gong gave up!LOL! so we tooook bus there!!!=DD the initial plan was going with hengyi only!in the end,i joined her classsmates!
on our way there,we dropped chinting home! btw,i made a new friend which is her. =)
Unfortunately,HAlf of it felll onto the floor.i think it's a little underbaked then we needa chill it as well to harden.shouldnt have baked the cake at the eleventh hour!felicia and her mum refused to accept my money!it's like they bought the ingredients! i feeeel ssoooooo badddd!!!!it's such a pityyyyyyy man!it would have beeenn a perfect cheeesee cake! =( nevermind,we will try again and i bet we willl sssuccceeeddd :D
everybody was screammingggg like nobody businesss.cheryl was like so absorbed in the game XDDDDDD

we were walking to vivo!halfway,my 101th lao gong gave up!LOL! so we tooook bus there!!!=DD the initial plan was going with hengyi only!in the end,i joined her classsmates!
at vivo playground there =) it was nearly 12 by then! had onion ringsss at bk =DDD
on our way there,we dropped chinting home! btw,i made a new friend which is her. =)
cheryl stayed at vivo coz she wants to catch a movie!!!!when we were at macdonald earlier,she said she was tired and she still wants to watch movie!LOL.we headed backkk!!on our way home,we droppped pinlli home! =) afterwards,shaarrrry toook bus homeee while mi and hengyi cabbed to tiong!! =D
reached home at around 2!
2000077 endeddd! for 20000000888,i hope everything will change for the better =)
LastLY,i wish everybody a happpy new year =)))
Hwee on 11:39 AM