i have to stop thinking too much i have better things to do!
i need to manage my stresss better!!!! study hard instead of worrying!

AFter so much that happened,the cause of everything is that i dun trust him!
WHAT the helll!!!!!!!!!!the trust is broken ever since.!!!!it's like the most important thing for a relationship TO LAST!!!!! so what if we are in the same school,i can lett him be let him talk to his friends.hahahahha.different school better though.i dun have to see it!!!!!!

he broke my heart it's time to start rrecovering!
somehow i feel that only when he's physically there for mi then i know he's there.if not NOOOO!
he cant be by my side emotionally coz coz coz he's jus like that! he cant feel for mi! i m not saying he has no feelings.just insensitive bahh!

anyway i should not add to his troubles.shall try to start to trust him! and dun treat him so nice.i've given up enough for him! i know love need not repaid but i cant help it.it's so tiring giving so much and getting nothing in return.FOR NOW! focuss on ur studies And table tennis.whether i m in the team not jus train hard! dear oso must study hard.we'll work hard together.

i will wait till the day when u have time for mi.after a div and alll.!then we study hard together!!!!!!!!jiayou kaihwee.u can wait u can do this.!!!!! DUN THINK SO MUcH dun think about that incident it will make u MORE Insecure and susspicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i wanna trust him!

Hwee on 8:34 AM