MY HENGYI!=) i nominated her as the caring frIEnd!!
i cant use the com during weekdays so as to deter my bro from playing!as u noe,he'll be having his o's soon!i will most likely update once per week~ miracles do happen.i can secretly use it without my bro's presence..WAHAHA.
Hwee on 2:10 PM
thank you,jing mei!
thank you,sinvyest!
thank you,alyssa!
thank you,yunjie!
thank you mavis!!
:D <3>
Hwee on 7:59 PM
Hwee on 8:55 PM
LOVE MY gang!bought a BEAUTIFUL CAKE for mi!it's coated with a thhick layer of chocolate!WAHHAAHA!fattening!hhaha
THANK YOU,elise!
THANK YOU,vivian!
THANK YOU,Yongzhen!
THANK YOU,Xiu xiu!
THANK YOU,sheean!
THANK YOU,hui ying!
THANK YOU,jun yan!
THANK YOU,shella!
THANK YOU,songyong!
THANK YOU,yolanda!
THANK YOU,grace!
THANK YOU,meixian!
THANK YOU,jyehuey!
THANK YOU,yongjia!
THANK YOU,aloysius!
THANK YOU,sarah!
THANK YOU,yihui!
THANK YOU,hengyi!
THANK YOU,sharry!
THANK YOU,cheryl!
THANK YOU,piopie!
THANK YOU,khaiwwooon!
a million thank-yous to all of u!love u!
and oso those who wished mi happy birthdae!:)
Hwee on 8:19 PM
Hwee on 11:23 PM