todae is a dae that is filled with yihui!!we shopppedd for presents! =DD in the end we bought two things for that extraordinary friend.sorry,humans..i cant reveal her identity coz she reads my blog XPPPPP
we went to several places actuallly!central,bugis and vivo!there's a rehearsal held at the rooftop.got taufik! =) at 5 plus,she had to report for work and we parted!i returned home for my beloved laksa which myy mama cooked for dinner =D it was delicioussss!!! i love my mummmy who coooks yummy laksa!
i got a suddeennnn urge to fly kiteeee though i dun noe how to.My papa knows how to make the kite flyyy high high in the sky!cooolll!!!=)) i wonder which kind soul willl pei miii!=)))hahahhaha!!!
Hwee on 7:10 PM