SHEEAN's BIRTHDAE celebration was a complete successs!HOOORAY!
FOr more details,visit my gang's blog!gang's ambassador,XIUXIU,has elaborated about it!!!=D
SPEnt around one hour doing it man!though it may look simple! =)
i bet she will cherish it since it's full of sincerity!
waiting for sheean's arrival!!!!! boredom+excitement
She almost cried! AWWWW!
we are ready!
we hid behing the pillar and dustbin =D
MAking wishes !!! =] one of them must be for kaihwee to be happpy forever!!
hui ying & sheean
i sliced the cakeee into proportionate 8 pieces :) he scooped the cake for us!
nu-er is so filial! i love HER =D LALA!she only fed MIIII on that day!!i m more important than them !!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
the next minute,SHE's SCREAMINGING FOR HELP!
WELLL,u noe we have only 6 people but there are eight slices! it's such a waste if we throw the extras away SO .....................
Hwee on 8:57 PM